Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
& Work Related Learning (WRL)
Our careers lead at Beulah Hill is Michael Le Marechal. He can be reached at 020 8653 1661
By working in partnership with external agencies, businesses and members of our community we will provide accurate and focused career information, advice and guidance tailored to the individual needs of our students, and thereby enable all of our students to make informed choices about their career pathways.
Careers Plan 2023-2024
Annual Plan
- Embedded into the tutorial programme across all years
- Embedded into the assembly programme across all years
- Every Vocational subject to arrange at least one careers talk throughout the year
- This could be targeted at classes or sixth form/year groups as a whole
- Careers week 4th-8th March 2024
- Enterprise Week – Links with business
- National Apprenticeship Week 5th – 9th February 2024
- Meet Gatsby Benchmarks
- Ensure access to Apprenticeship info in line with the Baker clause
- Meet the needs of the CDI framework
All students will be given
- Access to a qualified, impartial and independent careers adviser for personalised guidance
- Access up-to-date and contextualised information about the world of work and the labour market
- Access up-to-date and contextualised information and guidance about higher education, training and employment opportunities
- Information about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities, as part of a careers programme, which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
- The opportunity to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events.
- Informed about how to make applications for a full range of academic and technical courses, both at the end of GCSEs and the end of Post-16 qualifications
Year 7
- At least 3 careers assemblies a year
- Careers week, Enterprise week & Apprenticeship week
- At least one external speaker during assembly on a career path
- Trips/Educational visits if possible
- Access to workshops/careers talks
- Tutor programme (UNIFROG) including access to resources:
- What are skills?
- What’s your dream job?
- Revision skills
- What activities do you already take part in?
- EHCP/LAC careers meetings 1-2-1 with Careers Advisors
- 1-2-1 careers meetings with students in line with the behaviour policy
- Drop-in meetings available with careers advisors
Year 8
- At least 3 careers assemblies a year
- Careers week, Enterprise week & Apprenticeship week
- At least one external speaker during assembly on a career path
- Trips/Educational visits if possible
- Access to workshops/careers talks
- Tutor programme (UNIFROG) including access to resources:
- Identifying Interests
- Universities vs Apprenticeships
- Skills for careers
- Starting to build your options image
- EHCP/LAC careers meetings 1-2-1 with Careers Advisors
- 1-2-1 careers meetings with students in line with the behaviour policy
- Drop-in meetings available with careers advisors
Year 9
- At least 3 careers assemblies a year
- Careers week, Enterprise week & Apprenticeship week
- At least one external speaker during assembly on a career path
- Trips/Educational visits if possible
- Access to workshops/careers talks
- Work with EC (Enterprise coordinator) to find a suitable careers session/interviews
- Tutor programme (UNIFROG) including access to resources:
- What makes a leader?
- Careers & Library Research
- Your skills, your team, your future
- CV Writing
- Year 9 Options evenings – Talk/Support
- 1-2-1 with students/parental phone calls for students identified to Careers Advisors as needing additional support
- EHCP/LAC careers meetings 1-2-1 with Careers Advisors
- 1-2-1 careers meetings with students in line with the behaviour policy
- Drop-in meetings available with careers advisors
- Careers Advisors to assist EHCP with options
Year 10
- At least 3 careers assemblies a year
- Careers week, Enterprise week & Apprenticeship week
- At least one external speaker during assembly on a career path
- Trips/Educational visits if possible
- Access to workshops/careers talks
- Tutor programme (UNIFROG) including access to resources:
- Teamwork & Communication
- Interview Preparation
- Independence
- Workplace behaviour
- Work with EC to set up careers mock interview day
- Vocational subjects to provide the required vocational elements of their course
- EHCP/LAC careers meetings 1-2-1 with Careers Advisors
- 1-2-1 careers meetings with students in line with the behaviour policy
- Drop-in meetings available with careers advisors
- Careers Advisors to assist EHCP with options (and any other students via drop-in sessions)
- Harris experience offered 1-2-1 with Careers Advisors
Year 11
- At least 3 careers assemblies a year
- Careers week, Enterprise week & Apprenticeship week
- At least one external speaker during assembly on a career path
- Trips/Educational visits if possible
- Access to workshops/careers talks
- Talks on apprenticeships and universities
- Tutor programme (UNIFROG) including access to resources:
- Post 16 Options
- Recording post 16 intentions
- Rights of apprentices/Myth Busting
- Revision skills
- Recording Destinations
- How to write application forms, CVs, and Personal statements
- All year 11’s will meet with 6th Form Leaders to discuss 6th Form
- Vocational subjects to provide the required vocational elements of their course
- All students with arranged 1-2-1 meetings with Careers Advisor
- EHCP/LAC careers meetings 2x 1-2-1 with Careers Advisors
- 1-2-1 careers meetings with students in line with the behaviour policy
- Drop-in meetings available with careers advisors
- 1-2-1 for Harris experience
- 1-2-1 careers meetings with students in line with the behaviour policy
- Support potential NEET students
Please click Here for access to the Harris Federation careers website for students.
Please click Here for Labour Market Information
Please click Here for PALs statement.