Attendance & Punctuality
If you are booking a medical appointment for your son/daughter please can you first attempt to make the appointment after Academy hours. If this is not possible please do send students in before or after the appointment as appropriate.
An absence is classified as authorised when a child has been away from school for a legitimate reason and the school has received written notification from a parent or guardian. If a child has been unwell and the parent telephones the school to explain the absence, this must be followed up in writing by the parent.
If the child has been to the GP, Dentist, Hospital etc, please bring in any evidence (e.g. Doctor’s Note; Appointment Card; Medicine Bottle; Copy of a Prescription), so that we can take a copy for the school records.
A written explanation of the absence must be received within 2 weeks of the absence, for this to be recorded as authorised. If we do not receive written notification when your child returns to school, then your child’s absence will be recorded as an “unauthorised”
If you are booking a medical appointment for your son/daughter please can you first attempt to make the appointment after Academy hours. If this is not possible please do send students in before or after the appointment as appropriate.
Welfare Officers And Attendance
Excellent attendance is the expectation at Harris Academy Beulah Hill. The expectation is that students attend every day unless they are unwell, in which case parents or carers are expected to contact the Academy before 9 am on each morning of the absence.
To report an absence at Harris Beulah Hill Beulah Hill Campus:
Contact – Attendance, via Sharon Worghs
Tynisha Horton-Bernard - Education Welfare Officer
Attendance and punctuality
The Academy's attendance target is 97%. Regular attendance and punctuality to the Academy and to lessons is essential for all our students to make good progress, achieve their academic potential and consequently have better chances in life. Attendance is a key performance indicator within the Academy. It is the responsibility of everyone in the Academy community to ensure they achieve this. The Academy monitors the attendance and punctuality of all students and reviews it weekly.