JCQ Regulations
Candidates, parents and staff must be aware of the important exam rules and regulations published by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ).
Candidates in examination year groups will receive key assemblies and tutor sessions outlining expectations for exams.
Please ensure you have understood these rules outlined below and watched the short video.
- Warning to Candidates
- Unauthorized Items poster
- Information for candidates for written examinations
- Information for candidates for on-screen tests
- Information for candidates - Coursework assessments
- Information for candidates - non examination assessments
- Information for candidates - Information About You and How We Use It
- Information for candidate using social media and examinations/assessments
- On your exam day
- Reviews of marking - centre assessed marks (GCSE controlled assessments, GCE coursework, GCE and GCSE non-examination assessments)
- AI and Assessments - A quick guide for students
Please watch the video below:
If you have queries about external exams, please contact our Exams Officer Maxine Campbell at exams@harrisbeulahhill.org.uk.